Online Courses


Osho's 21 Days Path of Meditation Online Course

For the First Time A Step by Step Guide to the

Purification of Body

Purification of Mind (Thoughts)

Purification of Emotions

With Original Osho's Voice Guidance and Guided Meditations.

Facilitated By: 

Ma Prem Shakti & Sw Vimal Kirti

Course Contents:

Day 1 to Day 21 Organized Folders for Course Content

More than 15 Videos of one and half hour Each

Guided Meditation Audios

Osho's Talks on Course Topic

How to get the Access? 

Complete the payment and send the Screen Shot along with your Gmail ID to 8618478101 to get the access within few minutes.


Osho's 10 Days Science of Hypnosis Online Course

A Step by Step Guide to

  • Harness the Power of Sub-conscious Mind
  • To achieve whatever you want in Life
  • Get over Addictions, Patterns & Conditionings
  • To go deeper in Meditation

With Original Osho's Voice Guidance and Guided Meditations.

Facilitated By: 

Ma Prem Shakti & Sw Vimal Kirti

Course Contents:

  • Day 1 to Day 10 Organized Folders for Course Content
  • 10 Course Videos with Guided Process 
  • Guided Process Audios
  • Osho's Talks on Course Topic

How to get the Access? 

Complete the payment and send the Screen Shot along with your Gmail ID to 8618478101 to get the access within few minutes.


Work as Meditation - The OSHO Way.

A Step by Step Guide to the

  • How to extend our Meditativeness throughout the day.
  • Being Conscious throughout the day.
  • Celebrating each and every activities we do all day.

Courses are with Original Osho's Voice Guidance and Guided Meditations.

Facilitated By: 

Ma Prem Shakti & Sw Vimal Kirti

Course Contents:

  • Day 1 to Day 21 Organized Folders for Course Content
  • More than 15 Videos of one and half hour Each
  • Guided Meditation Audios
  • Osho's Talks on Course Topic

How to get the Access? 

Complete the payment and send the Screen Shot along with your Gmail ID to 8618478101 to get the access within few minutes.


Osho's 10 Days Sitting Silently Doing Nothing

A Step by Step Guide to

  • The Ultimate and Final Meditation technique.
  • Learn to transcend Pancha Kosha's which we are made up of.
  • A Higher level training to go deeper in Meditation after purifying Body, Mind & Emotions.

Courses are with Original Osho's Voice Guidance and Guided Meditations.

Facilitated By: 

Ma Prem Shakti & Sw Vimal Kirti

Course Contents:

  • Day 1 to Day 10 Organized Folders for Course Content
  • 10 Course Videos with Guided Process 
  • Guided Process Audios
  • Osho's Talks on Course Topic

How to get the Access? 

Complete the payment and send the Screen Shot along with your Gmail ID to 8618478101 to get the access within few minutes.

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