Early Morning FREE Meditations happening Daily on Zoom
Starting from Jan 01 2023 onwards
3am to 6am (*Flexible Login timings)
*One can join anytime for 2 hours between 3am to 6am
Facilitated By:
Dr Shamala (Ma PremShakti)
Benefits of Early Morning Meditation.
There is preponderance of Purity - Satvic quality at this time. So meditating during early mornings can lead to
Improved Health
Increased energy levels
Improved immunity
Improved Concentration
Improved Receptivity
During Brahma Muhurta, Sushumna Nadi flows readily, so one can enter into deep meditation and samadhi easily.
Unique Online Video Courses of OSHO
Our Courses are designed based on extensive research from the entire literature of Osho's Talks Collection. Utmost care has been taken to preserve the Purity of Masters Message by authenticating each process with Osho's Original voice and Guided Meditations. These unique courses are nowhere else availabe.